Jim Beam


Jim Beam had not advertised for decades, and had started to lose ground against its competitors. In a world of "froo-froo" drinks, they needed to remind everyone they were "a brand with provenance", and that it was the stuff inside matters most.

With no money for television, and with just a tiny budget for print and OOH, we needed to be bold.
So we relaunched the brand with new art direction.
And no label.

"No Labels"

Continuing the theme, we ran a print ad with a reader-removable label to support our new positioning:


We created one or two black & whites for newspaper with the attitude and humor
that is inherently Jim Beam.

We created a nationwide campaign of city-based OOH boards, tailored to each city.

And, in keeping the way you approach making a great Bourbon we redesigned the corporate look and feel with a very precise style-and-photography guide.

Needless to say the relaunch proved to be a notable success.
(Enough of a success to guarantee a TV budget for the next round of marketing).

Erich Funke